Counterbalance Forklift
Component Composition and Principle of Forklift Braking System
Jul 20 , 2023
First, brake control components:
1. Small rough terrain forklift brake drum;
2. Brake cam;
3. Brake shoe;
4. Rod;
5. Steering rod;
6. Return spring;
7. Pedals. When the brake pedal is released, the brake shoes are connected to the brake drum which is connected to the forklift drive motor. Then complete the braking operation.
Second, service braking
1. Brake pedal;
2. Spring;
3. Oil cylinder;
4. Brake shoe;
5. Drive motor;
6. Brake drum;
7. Fluid storage tank, brake fluid from a remote storage tank;
8. The outflow is added to the main cylinder.
Third, there is a piston in the master cylinder of heavy forklift, which can push the brake fluid into the brake pipeline. A reservoir located on the cowling connects to the inlet of the master cylinder. The oil supply line keeps the master cylinder very full and no air enters the system. The reservoir supplies brake fluid to the system. When the brake pedal is first pushed, the piston moves toward the master cylinder and pushes brake fluid into the brake lines. As the floating piston is pushed over the barrier the liquid in the piston rotates around the cup-shaped seal and flows out through the floating piston and out this action will be held until the pressure of the liquid in the piston bore reaches an open overflow valve pressure. Fluid that was pushed into the piston has returned to the reservoir. With a cup seal, the barrier and piston fluid is pushed through the piston and outlet. The fluid is propelled through the brake lines to the steering wheel cylinder in the brake assembly. A check valve in the master cylinder maintains a small amount of pressure in the brake lines when the pedal is released. This small amount of pressure helps the brake components push air out of the brake system
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